Thursday, November 5, 2009

Islamic Sayings - Part 2

If some disaster befalls you, say, “Innaa Lillaahi wa innaa ilayhi raaji’oon (Truly, to Allaah we belong and truly, to Him we shall return).”

Seek rizq (provision) by giving charity

“Give food to others and speak good.”

“Seek a response to du’aa’s when the iqaamah for prayer is given and when rain is falling.”

The people with the longest necks on the Day of Resurrection will be the muezzins.

“Worship Allaah as if you see Him.”

“The most helpless of people are those who cannot make du’aa’.”

“The most miserly of people are those who are stingy with their salaams (i.e., do not greet others).”

“Pay the hired worker his wages before his sweat dries.”

“Tie up (your camel) [i.e., take the necessary precautions], and put your trust in Allaah.”

“Make the most of your life before your death.”

Make the most of “your health before your sickness.”

Make the most of “your free time before you become busy.”

Make the most of “your wealth before you become poor.”

Make the most of “your youth before you become old.”

“The best of dhikr is ‘La ilaaha ill-Allaah.’”

“The best of sadaqah (charity) is that given by one who has little.”

“The upper hand (the one that gives) is better than the lower hand (the one that takes).”

The best of earnings is a good sale.

“The best of the believers is one who is best in attitude.”

“The best of the muhaajireen is the one who forsakes (hajara) that which Allaah has prohibited.

“The best type of jihaad is the jihaad of the one who strives against his own self (jihaad al-nafs) for the sake of Allaah.”

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